Heroes of Change: Julia Jahn of New Life Healing Ministries
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A Sit-Down with Julia Jahn of New Life Healing Ministries.
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As Part of the Heroes of Change Podcast
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Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The Heroes of
Change podcast from EPIC Mission.
This is Jeremy Turner, Founder and Managing Director of EPIC
Mission and I’ll be your host here on the podcast.
We are highlighting the trials, victories, and applied wisdom
of our community change agents, unsung heroes,
and those who empower them to be the change. We seek to inspire
and equip every day heroes, just like you, take on our greatest
challenges because together, we are the change. And this episode,
it’s my absolute pleasure to welcome my longtime friend, Julie
Jahn to the show and we’ll get to Julie here in just a second.
But first let me read just a little bit about her.
So Julie Jahn’s been in Ministry for over 40 years.
She’s a widowed mother of three adult children, grandmother
of seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
She’s ministered through various businesses and nonprofits
and has led women’s groups, conferences, and retreats in New
Jersey, North Carolina, England,
Scotland, and Canada.
She’s written a training manual entitled “Healing Prayer for
Divine Appointments” and will soon be releasing “A Prince and
Princess of the King, Healing Series.”
So got a lot going on Julie, as always . Nothing new. So everybody’s
got a bio, you know, you can go on LinkedIn or Facebook
or somebody’s website and read a prepared statement about
them. Let’s go beyond the bio.
What else do we need to know about Julie Jahn
on that you’d like to share with us well.
I I think that what I would like to share with you today
Jeremy is that never give up, you know, if you have a dream.
If you have something in your heart, don’t give up and
you know, as I was thinking about this interview, I have
to remember the words of my cousin, Bobby, you know, if you
make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s just
a wonderful way of learning how to do something. Do it; do the
same thing in a different way.
So, you know, it’s just be creative and in love and I mean
I’ve spent my life helping and loving people and wanting
to be the conduit of helping them know who they are and do
what they’re called to do.
And as you know, I’m pretty tenacious when I get into that
so I know I love it.
I absolutely love it, you know, but you know, I I’ve been
on the planet for a long time. I’ve been around a lot of people and
you know, I just love helping people and I always find some
ways, some time to do that.
So through the years,
I’ve had a couple of nonprofits and businesses that have
done that and so that’s what I do with my life.
So what is it that you’re doing these days?
Let’s talk about that for a minute just to set up some of
our conversation for today.
Well, so what I’m doing today is I have a new venture
called New Life Healing Ministries.
It’s all about inner healing, 12-step mentoring and also spiritual
directions. So we’re teaching,
you know, we’re just helping people in this world the way
that it is at the moment, to focus more on Jesus and get rid
of all of their emotional spiritual hurts and then be a
real good presence in the world, to be the change that we
really want to see in the world, you know, the world is getting
evil and we need more good guys out there and good women;
good guys and good women.
It’s huge work that you’re doing.
I mean, you think about that, you’re leaving hurts and bringing
spiritual healing to people and you know, I know that you
and I have talked offline a bunch of times through the years.
How is it that you can do this work?
You know, how are you prepared to do this work?
And how has your past prepared you or you know,
my past has definitely prepared me because there’s
not anything that anybody is going to say to me that I don’t
know and say oh, yeah.
Well, I know I’ve been there, done that, you know, so the only
thing that I can’t say yes to is that there were no
drugs. So but anything else I think I’m pretty close to saying.
Yeah, I know what you’re talking about so, you know how I
can use my common sense and how I can use the anointing
that God has given me and how I can use the training.
I’ve gone through a training.
I used basically a five key model from Heart of the Father
Ministries and also use another model from the Order of Saint
Luke’s which is a healing group.
And so, you know, so you just train yourself to
listen to the Holy Spirit.
Listen to the person. People
don’t get listened to, too much anymore, you know, people are
busy talking about themselves and talking about COVID and
talking about all the grumble things that they have are getting,
but and they don’t have anybody to talk to because they’re
isolated. So, you know this is a great time to take
advantage of just speaking with somebody and let
them know how much who you are and why you’re hurting and
you know and pray out, pray it out, you know, just get rid
of it.
And then your life will be a lot easier.
So, you know, how does my take a first step like that though,
you know, people are isolated and it seems like these days,
you know, maybe folks aren’t encouraged as much to share
their thoughts and feelings and inner hurts.
We have, you know, things like social media where things
get shared out personal things about somebody gets shared
out and suddenly, you know a person’s life can get ruined.
Okay, right.
Right, right.
Well most of the time most of the people come through actually,
most of the clients that I get right
now, there are people that come from prayer. Our People through
churches because I’ve made presentations in churches and
you know the website pretty much, there’s this people that
come all over North Carolina before the COVID started.
So we are now starting June prayer times, but people are
choosing to come in person, which is really amazing, you
know, so, you know, if you’re hurting bad enough, you’re going
to look for something to make that feel better, you
know, if it bothers you, if it’s doing something
in your life and your marriage and your corporate situation,
you work situation, if you know if you’re broken and you
know, you get angry all the time, you just don’t really understand
why and it’s a great place to come because we can figure
out why and get rid of it,
right because you know, your inner self affects your personal
life and your professional life, right?
That’s correct, you know and there’s a lot of people out
there that have been abused and used and you know, not only
in a relationship but also at work and in churches and you
know and relationships words are very powerful Jeremy, you
know, when the more I get into this the more power I see
the words out, you know that you know when you say something
to somebody you never know if that’s a trigger word for that
person. You know that brings up a memory that maybe from
the childhood or maybe from college or you know grammar school
or maybe they were involved with bullies, you know, maybe
this is a generational curse in their family and there’s
just a word that just you just say something in it.
I mean I certainly had conversations with people before
I got into this and have used trigger words and I’ve seen
people go bonkers, you know what I’m saying?
What’s wrong with them?
Well now I know what you know, in retrospect, you know that
it’s very worth a very important very, very powerful, very
very powerful as you’re talking about that I was reflecting
that. I’ve got a friend I grew up with that the word ‘dummy’
set him off.
Yeah, right and it’s not really a pleasant word.
No one,
I think wants to be called that, but it was because
they were constantly called this and basically we’re bullied
with this word and absolutely sets them off.
And so you arrive where it’s absolutely, we do have power,
sure. Yeah, that’s right.
You know, the words are very, very powerful and in the book
that I just wrote those down,
some power is power words that I have put in there, you know
that you know, like I mean, you know, like I had a session
when someone be just a couple days ago and she was bullied.
Well she was in school and she was always chunky when she
was a little girl.
She was called ‘fat’ and now she’s got problems with food
and her own self-esteem.
So, you know, you just cover now or maybe a parent knows
that you’re done.
You’ll never amount to anything and the child works their
butt off to get a degree and acclamation and you know, and
you know, hey, mom, look at me;
look what I did.
Oh, well, yeah, you know, I told you you were ‘stupid,’ you
didn’t do as good as your brother.
That’s not a good thing to say.
So maybe a parent should kind of look and and listen to themselves.
Sometimes when they speak to their children, but this is
all in retrospect, you know from the way that I was,
in the way that I am today.
So, you know, it’s a learning curve, you know.
So you talk about your journey a little bit.
You’ve done a number of things in your life.
Well, I have to say that started in,
jeez, I don’t know what, all over the place, but most of, mostly
there was a marginal people that we work with, you know,
because that’s what most ministries are for and so, but during
that I started working for CUMAC,
which is in Paterson, New Jersey, which is really a warehouse
for food banks.
And so that was a very wide eyed experience because you saw
people that didn’t understand that they had to get up and
get dressed and come to work in the morning.
And so it was really very interesting ministry.
And so I was the executive director was very, very kind and
taught me a lot about people there and then I moved
then we left New Jersey.
We lived in New Jersey and then we left New Jersey. Well
before I left New Jersey I did have a new, which I know that
you want me to say about is that I started I started
clowning. I started doing clowning and I was a clown for
a professional clown for 20 years and out of those 20 years,
I would say probably 18 of them was in ministry.
So I was a regular clown for like about two years and then
they found out that there are such a thing called the Christian
Clown and so I got trained and we started doing, we started
doing a lot of birthday parties with the Word of God and
doing some evangelization and training and conferences and
it was a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time.
So we used to have healing services on Friday night as we
opened the conference and then we would have a big worship
time on Saturday night after the conference was over and
so I still get compliments and comments about that over the
years. You know, I can’t I remember when they know, those sort
of thing but we were able to touch a lot of people and a
lot of people, you know, it was a way to find out.
You were and that’s what my all of my ministry has
been, Jeremy is to help people find out who they are, you
know, and I have a funny story about that because that when
we had our first workshop on how to get how to be a clown.
This lady came in and called and she says, ‘how old is too
old to come to this workshop’ and I say, ‘Well as long as you
can drive, you know, and you’re confident you can come’
you know, so she came, she was 84 years old. Her name was
Thelma and so she went through the whole thing and as we were
putting our makeup on and I said, ‘Okay, now it’s time for
you to pick a name for yourself,
what are you going to call yourself?’
She says, ‘I’m going to call myself, ‘Chatterbox’ and I said, ‘Why are you
going to call yourself, ‘Chatterbox?’
She says, ‘I came out of my mother’s womb talking and I haven’t
shut up since’ she says. So the last I heard about Thelma.
Then so I said, What are you going to do with your clowning?’
She said, ‘Oh I’m going to go to that old folks home and
help those people get happy.’
So she drove till the kids took her keys away, till she was
89 and she got in that clown outfit and she went to the, she
went to the old folks home, get them happy all the time.
So to me that to me is giving somebody a purpose,
giving them, you know, some kind of guidance, you know, a
lot of people went into the nursing homes and a lot of people
went into the hospital.
Feels a lot of people, you know, and then after that we
started a TV show talking about
your, we did a TV show and so we would have people and
how did you use your, how do you use your gifts?
How do you use the gifts that God gave you? So we had a lot
of people come in and talk about their ministries and how
they use their talents.
So some of them were clowns, some of the musicians.
Some of them are artists.
Some of them were, you know, all kinds of different ways
that people, you know, people who like to knit, you know,
it just, you know, however they use their
So we had a TV show for that and then I
moved out of New Jersey.
So when I got to North Carolina, I started doing, I
started working with people and children and Gastonia and
it was a children’s song and so I was a developer there and
so we started. So we got the kids involved and again clowning
came in.
So I we had a show at one of the schools to do for reading
and writing, so I had the girls put on makeup and I taught
them. We taught a little skit and we went in and we talked
about how important reading and writing was and the kids
just love it.
I mean, you know, they just never have that in their life.
So it was just really, because when you put on the clown face,
you know, your real personality comes out your alter ego,
so to speak. Let’s talk about that for a second.
So I think that’s an interesting topic this alter ego and
you know, I’ve talked about this before how you know, when
you select a name and your makeup and your dress,
you know, your clothing as a clown and your alter ego comes
out. Yeah, so you’ve got that scenario right out as a clown;
your alter ego comes out for people out in the world.
How many times we have to put on our alter ego as we step
out into the workforce?
It’s true.
Someone may be an extreme introvert, but they realized in
order to do their job.
They’ve got to step out and become something else.
That’s correct.
What if you know, what have you learned from clowning
about yourself and about other people that you’re
able to take and apply to what you’re doing now with in
Healing Ministry?
Well, I have to say when what I want of the things I would
say. Top things that I learned is laughter is definitely
a good medicine, you know, whether you laugh at yourself,
what level laugh at the job or whether you laughed at somebody
that’s really ticking you off or whatever the case may be,
you know, it’s just there was a saying we used to say
when clowning is that if you take like too serious, you’re never
going to get out alive, you know, so, you know, it’s you
know life is life.
And I mean some of its really funny.
Some of its really sad some of us, really ugly, you know,
but you know, it’s your perspective of what life is all about.
You know, I mean, everybody’s going to have bad days that
you know, it’s not always a good day, but it’s a lot better
with a smile.
I absolutely agree with that and see the years
I’ve seen you smile and laugh a lot and I think it’s amazing.
Yeah, so you worked in Healing Ministry before this is not
your first go-around and Healing Ministry, right?
That’s correct.
So, how was how was your work in the Healing Ministry?
How’s that changed over time?
Well, you know, I have to say that it has changed, but
I’d like to stick with the different concepts has different
evaluations, their different perspectives.
There’s you know, new age was not there when I was when I
was learning, you know, I and also my own perspective and
also my own research, you know, because I was very confined
in a very small space of learning what I learned.
So I did realize that all of this other stuff was out there.
So maybe it hasn’t changed.
You know what I mean?
I mean, it’s just different.
It’s just different today, you know, but God is the Healer
so, you know, I mean the oils and the incense and all that
good stuff is part of healing I guess today, but God is the
Ultimate Healer.
You know, since you’ve started this new venture, the
world has changed a bit, especially the last several months.
So can you talk a little bit about how you’ve had to adjust
and you touched on it earlier with Zoom, but how you had
to adjust what it is that you do and how you do it over the
last several months since this Coronavirus? Well, I’ve had to adjust for a couple of
reasons, not what’s best, but it’s better than nothing.
And so, any buddies out there has a place for me
to rent,
let me know and then also we’re going to be starting
to do the Zoom which is going to be really different, you
know, because it’s very important that you see the face, the
facial. Facial action, the body action, of the tone of voice.
It’s all part of reading into are you comfortable
with that?
Are you not comfortable with that?
Is that something we need to look at?
You know, when did that start?
Why are you thinking that way?
You know, why you squirming in your chair, you know, so it’s
very important to have a full view of the person that you’re
really doing there as so that you can you can get a sense
of where you have to go with the questions, you
know, so in this help see it healing process.
It’s not up to the facilitator which would be myself or someone
else. It’s up to the person.
It’s kind of prayer to take full responsibility of you know,
what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, you know, so
forgiveness is always the big thing.
That’s a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big
thing and you know, so it’s very difficult and you know,
so to forgive people that you’ve held the hurt in your
heart for a long time.
It’s very hard, you know, there’s a couple of times I’ve
done a couple of sessions and it’s usually
someone that you have to forgive the most for dads and guess
it gets it most of the time, or mom.
Come on, Dad or Mom.
But you know, like I mean there was a girl
that I did a session was quite a few years ago and we
go back and we try to figure it out and she just wasn’t ready.
She just wasn’t ready, you know and, but by the end of the
session we went back like two or three times and then the
fourth time she said ‘Yeah, I’m ready, ‘you know, so it’s you
know, doing it in person and doing it online are going
to be different, definitely different and besides you usually
get a hug at the end of the session and you can’t do that
online. No, I don’t think you can do that just yet.
Maybe that’s in the next version of Zoom.
Yeah, right.
Exactly, exactly.
Who knows about that going to 3D major things have happened,
Julie. Yes.
This is true.
This is very true.
So, you know, I’m going to dig into a couple different questions;
one, you know, I’ve heard you talk about forgiveness and
and you know sidebar to forgiveness might be regret.
So, you know thinking about your own life,
what would you say is one of your greatest regrets and how
we’ve been able to take that regret and and turn it into
a positive and let it fuel you for what you’re doing now?
Now, well, I think my biggest regret is that I never went
to college and never got you know, my life took a
terrible turn when I was 13.
My dad died and my life died.
So I didn’t recoup from that till I was in my early 30s.
So that was almost what 10 years, 20 years that you lose.
And so those years a lot.
I mean, there’s nothing I can do about it.
Used to beat myself up about it, but I might I’ve learned,
you know as they say kiddingly I graduated Magna Cum Laude
from the School of Hard Knocks, you know, and that’s pretty
much the way that I’ve learned, but I’ve also
learned like learned from I’ve always tried to be around
people who are younger than me and smarter than me so that
I can learn.
You know, what
do you know?
How do you do that?
You know, how do you feel about that?
You know, like, well the way you do it doesn’t really work
for me, but I’m going to take it and I’m going to twist it
and I’m going to make it fit for me, you know, so, you know
for all those people that have helped me in my life and have
been in my life,
I thank you because you’ve helped me
graduate Magna Cum Laude.
You know, I yeah, I love to learn and I have a, uou
know, like this Healing Ministry is just like I can’t get
enough books to read about and they’re all basically the
same, you know, I mean they’re basically the same thing,
you know, and so it’s not like clowning and you know or being
in development or being in a nonprofit arena, it just
all depends on the person coming for prayer.
So in other words you’re saying I’m sorry, go ahead.
I heard you talking in that about you didn’t receive a formal
education from a college or university.
What I did hear you say was that you’ve continued to grow
and evolve and learn and absorb things from other people.
So I just wanted to point that piece out because for example,
in my own family, my mom
did not have an opportunity to even graduate high school.
She went and got her GED eventually and my dad had a different
opportunity but was able to through the Army go on and
get his Doctorate in Education and so in my home, I had a
later on GED and a PhD and so I was able to learn the
difference between education and intelligence and that there’s
two types of education available.
So I just wanted to take a moment to point that out for anyone
watching, listening that just because you don’t have an opportunity
to go gain a formal education at a college or university absolutely
does not mean you can’t go and educate yourself through various.
There’s so many different
opportunities, platforms, and such we can go and educate yourself.
So that’s right.
I agree with you; have an open mind and listen, you know,
just listen, you know, I mean, you know, there’s anything
that I that that I’ve done in my life done it was because
somebody just something I saw somebody doing something gave
me an idea to do something and you know, sometimes I do succeed,
sometimes I did pretty good.
Sometimes I really did good.
You know, I think the piece about not succeeding is huge.
You know, I remember growing up, you know, just the world
around me would push this narrative that failure was not
an option, that you can’t fail, you know, whether it was playing
sports or in school not failing was the predominant narrative
and if you failed then you are a failure.
You didn’t fail at something.
So it was attached to human being so that’s something that
you’ve seen in your healing.
Agree with people who have because you you didn’t work out
the way you wanted it to do for a reason.
So what’s that reason?
What’s that reason?
It didn’t work out was it because of the attitude was it
because of the atmosphere was it because you didn’t give
it enough love and attention wasn’t because you know, I mean
you could go on and then was in an endless list there, you
know, so, you know like and failure, I think is the mindset.
I think it’s something that came from a workers or came from,
you know, bully being bullied or you know, I mean just something
from the past that has triggered that emotion, you know,
that you’re a failure, you know, and those that are
overachievers have the same issue, you know, so you
going to fail, you know, who achieve this look like middle,
middle ground, you know, so you have that it’s all or nothing.
Yeah, right, exactly, you know, so I mean it’s the same lies
and it’s the same motivation.
So yeah, that’s my two cents about that from a Christian
perspective and there’s a couple things I think to dig into
is you know, if if we have a plan and we can’t execute it
or it doesn’t work out right then, you know, we have to learn
to give that to God and say that you know, it’s His Plan.
He’s got something different for us.
That’s absolutely correct.
And you have to really pay attention to the people in
your life.
You know, who is God sending in your life, you know, and
what is He trying to tell you, you know with the
people that are around you and you know, sometimes people
do things because their parents wanted them to do them or
because I think that’s what they’re supposed to do.
But sometimes it may be the Ministry or the way, they’re
supposed to make a living is not the way that they’re doing
it, you know, and they’re miserable in it.
So I would definitely chat with Jesus about that.
I think that’s great Council.
Yeah another way to look at failure is you know within entrepreneurship,
we teach that failure is an opportunity to learn and you and
I have talked about this as an opportunity to begin again
this time better informed and so, you know taking those two
perspectives and combining them so understanding that, you
know, if you did fail that means that God has something different
and better for you and to take an opportunity to learn from
the situation,
if perhaps from the people around you how did they support
you or not support you kind of reveals the character of those
around you, but also looking for the opportunity to learn
and then apply that moving forward and that’s an important
thing to look at, the people that surround you, you know that
you don’t have people around you that are you know, encouraging
you or you know, like just you know, you’re doing a good
job, Jeremy, you go.
You know what
I mean?
It’s a good job that you’re doing.
You know, great idea,
why don’t you do that, you know, but, you know, maybe
you could do it this way?
So you don’t always have to do it the way it is in the book,
you know what I mean?
You know, add your own personality to whatever you’re
going to decide to do because that’s what makes it beautiful
put your soul in it and I think that’s something that you
know, some folks get caught up on, right?
They get this vision that has to look like something else
or someone else rather than recognizing the beauty of the
thing is them, that they’re the beautiful piece, they’re the
beautiful variable in the equation, right?
That’s exactly right.
That’s exactly right.
So, you know, we never know who’s listening to a particular
episode, but I want to throw this out there.
So you’ve begun something new and at a time when people,
you know, might have retired or might be in the process of
retiring, what courage when might you give someone who may
be around your age,
we’re not going to discuss age here,
that would be rude, but someone who might feel like
they’re too old to start something new or maybe they
just need to keep doing what they’re doing rather than try
something new? Any encouragement, you might offer? We get
rid of that line really quick.
Well what I would say to someone, you know, I mean you’re never
too old to do anything.
Well, I mean, I don’t think I’d go climb Mount Everest at
this point, but you know, I mean, there’s always something
you can do; there’s always something you do.
Yes, you know, I don’t like the word ‘retire.’
That’s the word that I’ve kind of gotten rid of so I’m just
changing direction.
I’m just changing the way that I live my life, you know what
I mean?
And so I’m just changing my my passion is so, you know,
most people, most people retire and they feel useless, but
there’s so much you guys can do out there.
I mean, you know, like even if you’re sick and you’re homebound,
I mean you can, I mean there’s tons of things you can do; you
can be an intercessor,
you can knit hats, you can you know, write letters to people
that are homebound and I mean there’s tons of things so
for me,
there’s no excuse for anybody to get old, old, old, old, old,
old, you know. Die with a smile on your face and let people wonder
what you’re up to.
Maybe I shouldn’t say that, but – you said it’s too late,
we have it on video.
There you go.
It’s been said, the darts go.
Well, I want to ask you,
why do you feel so compelled to do what you’re doing now?
Okay, because the Lord has anointed me to do it.
I, you know, usually I have lots of stories and this time
after my husband died in 2011, I said ‘What am I going to do with myself and what am I going to be when I grow up?’
This book just happened to fall into my lap,
The Journey Begins, so I did research, I found out where they were
having training and then I got involved and I got hooked
up with a group in Charleston.
I went there like three or four times, got more training and
I went to another conference and I just started and haven’t
looked back since; I haven’t looked back.
I haven’t looked back.
How do you think that what you’re doing is making a difference?
You talked about a little bit, but can you dig into that?
What’s some of the the results that you’ve seen?
Have you seen people’s lives change?
Can you talk a little bit about that?
Oh my gosh.
Well, I’ve seen a lot of people’s lives change, but I’m going
to use two examples that I can tell you is that I did a session
with someone and they were petrified to have children; petrified
because of something that happened in their life and we went
through the process and we did what we had to
do and today they’re a mother of a fine little baby boy and
I love them and they’re taking very good care of them.
I’ve seen, so there was another one that was afraid of relationships
because of things that happened in her past and we did healing;
we went through the process and today actually she’s married
six months.
Now, you know, there’s there’s a couple of guys that got
hang-ups because of relationships and other things and you
know, there’s a lot of things
that happen in the home that I don’t think that we are really
aware of, you know, and there’s a lot of damage done to boys
and girls, you know in the young years and especially aspects
sexually, you know, so it’s that kind of like bums out your
relationship type sort of thing, you know.
So a lot of it is about, it’s all about relationships, you
know, and so when I went, when you do a session, you know the
the sessions with the guys are you know it well,
I’m going to give you another example.
So this guy came for a session and we did the session
it was going along really well and we’re talking about his
father. And I said, ‘Did you ever forgive you father?’
And he just stopped because his father abandoned him.
And there’s a lot of abandonment, too, you know, so I said ‘Did
you ever forgive your father?’
He says ‘I never thought to do that’ and I asked him if he
would like to and he said yes, and he did and it changed
his whole perspective about men.
In the end, God, you know and I mean so when you see miracles
like that, I mean, they’re small miracles, but they’re miracles,
you know people are not usually open to telling
their deep dark secrets, you know, and in my day we used
to call them ‘closet secrets,’ you know, that everything is left
in the closet, but you know, that in order to
grow spiritually,
mentally, and physically, and it’s self-esteem and purpose,
you have to get rid of all that other garbage because it’s
just like a ball and chain on your neck and your ankle and
it’s not going to let you go anywhere.
And so this is a process to help people release that that
chain absolutely and the session is not only once
you know, I mean, there’s a couple of guys that have gone
through the session three and four, five times and then there’s
people that will go through the session and then come for
spiritual direction or come for spiritual mentoring, you
know, so I love to listen and you know, I’m a good listener
and I’ve been trained now to be able to pick up the words
maybe you don’t hear,
maybe you don’t realize you say because you use them so often
and I’m able to just say to you.
Did you ever look at that?
How do you feel about that?
How’s that make you feel you know, so, you know and the devil
is great at giving us lies.
You know, we’re not good enough.
You know nothing will ever change, you can take care of everything
yourself. Thank you very much.
You know, you’re a bad dad.
You’re a bad mom.
Well, thankfully there’s something around and there’s
people around doing what you’re doing, you know helping people
to feel that release.
And again the one life as they were meant to live it,
finally. Yes.
So yeah there are two of the hardest by the Ministries
which is likely umbrella and they call it unbound, you know,
I think 19 countries now and this several I think
their book has been translated to five or six different languages.
The last I heard was that it was going in Chinese, you know,
so there’s a lot of, is a lot of people using this model out
in the world and also are the models very similar, you know,
but at the baseline is God does it.
You know what I mean?
And the other one,
the only thing is that the person coming for prayer
has a desire in want to be healed because they don’t
have a desire to in want to be healed then it’s going to
be a very difficult, long road for all of us, you know, so
change is that easy right?
I mean I guess it is and it isn’t; it starts with someone
has to actually want change but then and then there’s a process
to work through, right?
Well, we both know, Jeremy when something bothers you
long enough, you’re going to do something about it, you know
when it’s really good.
To the way of what you want to do you got to do something
about it.
And if you want to grow, you know, you can stay in there
and grumble, right?
So you have the choice when you feel enough pain, you’ll
seek a remedy.
That’s correct.
That’s correct.
That’s correct.
That’s correct.
So, the title of this podcast is the Heroes of Change,
you know, my company, the our tagline is Guiding the Heroes of
Change. There’s a lot of talk about this Hero of Change thing
and so I just love to hear from you.
What is that when you hear that?
Phrasing Hero of Change, what does that mean to you?
For me, when I hear that is to all those out there
that are willing to step out and go down a different road
than what other people have said
we need to go and be a better person because of it in the
world being a better person around them because everybody
has a sphere of influence, you know, and so if you can change
an arena where you live or work or play or do whatever for
the positive, that’s a hero. So why is it so important that
everyday people like you and I get up and and challenge ourselves
to go forward and be the change?
Well, if we don’t do it, who’s going to do it?
Yeah, short, sweet answer.
I figured that’s what was going to what was coming that was
coming. You know, it can be you, it could be anybody
but you know, Jesus calls us all to go out there and be there,
you know, just some of us hear it and some of us don’t so
I’ve got three questions for you as one is why should people
be encouraged by your story? Or what
would you like people to take away from your story?
I would like people to take away from my story to persevere
regardless of what life throws at
you. Just persevere.
Everybody’s got a dream in their heart.
Everybody wants to grow up to be something, you know, and
don’t put yourself down, build yourself up because you can
do it someday.
Good and what final advice might you have for some Heroes
of Change that might be listening? Whether they’re perhaps
just getting started on their journey to go and launch a
new venture, or maybe they’ve been on the journey for a while
and they’re feeling tired or drained or worn out – what kind
of advice or words of wisdom
can you offer?
Look for positive people in your life that will encourage
you to continue. You know, don’t hang around your friends
that say you’ll never do that.
You know, ‘Why the heck are you doing that for?’ Just kind of disregard
them for a while while you grow, you know, make
sure that you stay around positive people.
It’s, and talk to God because He can help you out a lot.
If you’re going to find positivity,
that’s a great place to go.
Yeah, you know, I mean, there’s not too much positivity in
the world right at the moment, so you have to go digging
a little bit to find the people that are going to encourage
you, but find people that’ll be encouraging, you know, because
a lot of times in my life, everybody, there wasn’t a whole
lot of encouragement, but I just knew I had to do what I
have to do, so I went and did it. I understand and I think
you know anyone who might be listening to us can reflect
back on a time when maybe they were around people who weren’t
particularly encouraging to them and you know what it meant
when they finally broke free from that circle of influence
and and got around people that were more encouraging so and
don’t always think in the box.
Think out of the box. What box? What ever box they’re living
in, get out of the box. Outside the box, for sure.
So I’m thankful for your time and I would hope that people
listening today or watching today might be encouraged to
reach out and learn more about what it is that you’re doing
in the Healing Ministry.
So if people want to reach out connect with you and learn
more about you and the work you’re doing, how can they do?
Actually, well they can reach me by email, which
is NLHealingMin@Gmail.com, or call me on my cell at
And just to be clear you’re located in Matthews, which is
just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina,
Right. But thanks to Zoom,
you can be anywhere.
There you go.
Okay, and we’ll be putting your contact information up when
we publish this episode. Okay. We’ll do that as well.
Awesome, Julie.
I appreciate it.
It’s been fun, Jeremy.
Good to talk with you. always a pleasure, we’ll have to do this again
soon. Yeah.
Love you guys.
I love you, too.
So that’s all for this episode of the Heroes of Change podcast
from EPIC Mission.
We hope that you’ve been inspired by something that you’ve
heard today because together, we are the change. Tune in next
time as we dig into the story of another hero and learn what
they do, how they do it, and most importantly, why they do what
they do.
Take care, stay encouraged, and we’ll look forward to seeing
you next time on the Heroes of Change podcast from EPIC
Mission. Take care.